Literacy Modules

The Literacy Module Team worked to compile information regarding disinformation into educational and accessible presentations. In addition to basic definitions, we created modules exploring how disinformation may arise in STEM-related fields as well as in news related to Law and Society. Another module discusses psychological factors that make one susceptible to believing misinformation. Finally, there are modules describing how to use various online tools to help users look out for misinformation and disinformation. All in all, our goal is to educate the viewers of these literacy modules so that they are aware of disinformation online, can detect disinformation, and can actively think critically to arrive at reliable conclusions.

Literacy Module 1: Types of Inaccurate Information

Literacy Module 2: Misinformation in STEM

Literacy Module 3: Which Face is Real?

Literacy Module 4: Misinformation in Law and Society

Literacy Module 5: Psychological Drivers of Misinformation Belief